Stained Glass

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 27-28,2008

                                        ST. VINCENT DE PAUL COLLECTION TODAY

Today’s second collection is for St. Victor’s St. Vincent De Paul Society.  Please help our volunteers help others.  Thank you! 


Teen/Young Adult Choir – Join Us!

The Sunday 5:00 P.M. Choir invites all teens and young adults interested in singing with them to attend their practice on Thursday evenings from 5:30-7:00 P.M. (please see Rose Tice), or contact the Catechetical Ministry Office @ 251-0154 for more information.



OCTOBER 4-5, 2008

ISAIAH 5:1-7


MATTHEW 21:33-43


Planned Giving Notes


 It is easy to turn an old life insurance policy into a nice gift to St. Victor’s Parish, and a possible tax deduction.  Simply transfer it to, “The Roman Catholic Bishop, a California Corporate Sole, for the benefit of St. Victor’s Parish.”  It is even easier to add the Parish as a beneficiary to a policy.  Because you can always change this, there is no tax deduction for including the Church as a beneficiary.  

If you want to know more about this, the Diocese can provide free assistance.  Call Robert Serventi @983-0168, or write to him at:  900 Lafayette Street, Suite 301 , Santa Clara , CA 95050 .


U.n.I. Lord Youth Group Presents

Today is our annual “Ice Cream Social, “ the official kick off of the season, will take place at St. Victor’s Parish Center this Sunday, 9/28/08, from 3:00-5:00 P.M.  All Confirmation students are required to attend.



Please join us for our First Friday Mass, October 3rd, at 7:30 P.M. in the church.  Our 24-hr Adoration begins after Friday’s 8:00 A.M. Mass – in the chapel.

Mass Intentions for the Week  

Monday             September        29         8:00 A.M.          Bernard Profeta, Jr.

Tuesday            September        30         8:00 A.M.          Godofredo Ticse

Wednesday       October             01         8:00 A.M.          Deceased Members of the Huu Tran Family

Thursday           October             02         8:00 A.M.          Godofredo Ticse

Friday               October             03         8:00 A.M.          Catharine Alves & Jose de Oliveira

                                                            7:30 P.M.          Jesus Mandreza

Saturday           October             04         8:00 A.M.          Clint Ignacio

                                                            5:00 P.M.          Reynaldo D. Nabong

Sunday             October             05         9:15 A.M.          St. Victor’s Alumni & Their Special Intentions

                                                           10:45 A.M.         Dr. Philip Neri & Pat, Amelia & Connie Rapa

                                                            5:00 P.M.          Bronoventura Manarpaac


Banns of Marriage

Hung Truong & Phuong Linh Pham II

Jimmy Navarez & Kara Peir I  


 Sanctuary Flowers 

This week’s Sanctuary flowers were donated by Pat and Judi Smith in celebration of the birthday of their daughter, Roxanne Smith.

If you would like to donate altar flowers in memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving or in celebration of a baptism, marriage, anniversary or birthday, please call the Parish office @ 251-7055.

We are in need of flower arrangers to help beautify our church and altar.  If you are willing to share your special talents, please call the Parish office @ 251-7055. 



Please pray for the sick, seriously ill and hospitalized members of our parish community, especially, Bob Lange.



Thank you to all who helped make the celebration of Fr. Michael & Fr. Paul such a great and glorious event.  I want to especially thank Juvenal Castro, Bill & Jolene Frey, Mary Esteban, Nicki Frizzell, and Gina Tobias for above and beyond the call of duty help.  To all St. Victor’s Organizations, those who donated food, money, desserts, etc…God bless you.  To the many guests who made this reception extra special for Fr. Michael and Fr. Paul, thank you.  St. Victor’s parishioners and guests are so very special and for this I am very thankful.  Alice Trigg, Reception Coordinator.



With the 1883 opening of St. Patrick’s School in Oakland , the Sisters of St. Joseph began their service to residents of the Bay Area.  In 1895, they founded St. Joseph ’s Home for the Deaf and in 1909, they established Star of the Sea in San Francisco .  Eventually, they began teaching at St. Thomas Apostle in San Francisco and a number of Schools in the East Bay , Peninsula and the South Bay .  As their ministries evolved to meet critical needs of the times, they continue to leave their imprint as innovators in education, pastoral care, parish ministry and also social services directed to addressing the needs of the homeless, abused, challenged and imprisoned.  In recognition of their humble dedication, please join in celebrating, “WOMEN OF HEART,” Saturday, October 24th, Contra Costa Country Club.


                                                                         CATECHETICAL SUNDAY  

This weekend we celebrate Catechetical Ministry Sunday with the churches throughout the United States .  Please remember in your prayers all the members of the parish who will be commissioned at the 9:15 A.M. Mass this Sunday.  Every Baptized Catholic is called to be a Catechist!


                                                          CATECHETICAL MINISTRY REGISTRATION  

Catechetical Ministry will continue to take registration for classes with space still available through the  October 2nd, as follows:

Tuesdays:  9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.

Wednesdays 5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.

Thursdays 11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Please bring a copy of your children’s Baptismal Certificate if they are receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession), Eucharist (Communion) or Confirmation.  Please note, this is on a first come, first served basis.


St. victor’s fiesta (October 4th& 5th)!

- Only one week until our Parish Fiesta – Oct. 4 & 5.

 We are having games, special attractions, entertainment, international foods, silent auction, bingo and $18,000 raffle, BBQ & pancake breakfast.  Please join us!

- Thank you to our Silent Auction chairmen, Michael  Romero, and Diem Doan.  If you have any large silent auction items to donate, please give call the Parish Office @ 251-7055. You are also welcome to drop off silent auction items to the hall on Thursday, Oct. 2nd, beginning at 6:00 P.M. or Friday, Oct. 3rd, all day.

- Workers are needed for GAME BOOTHS, and FOOD BOOTHS.  Baked goods are also needed for the cake walk and the dessert booth.  If you can volunteer your time, please call the office at 251-7055.  SCHOOL PARENTS:  YOUR FESTIVAL VOLUNTEER HOURS CAN COUNT FOR YOUR SCHOOL PARENT PARTICIPATION HOURS.

- NEED A TAX DEDUCTION? HAVE A USED CAR IN GOOD WORKING ORDER?  Why not donate it to this year’s FIESTA!!!  Please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.  If we do get a car, we will have a LIVE auction for it prior to the drawing for the RAFFLE prizes.

- $18,000.00 RAFFLE – Tickets are available after Mass today.  A book of 15 tickets for $40.00 to be eligible to win one of our money amounts with our 1st prize of $10,000, 2nd prize - $3000, 3rd prize - $1500, 4th prize - $1000 & 5th prize - $500.  Simply put your completed tickets in an envelope and drop it in the collection basket or take it to the parish office.  Congratulations to our 4th early-bird raffle winner, parishioner, Joyce Baptista, who won $50.00 in scrip gift certificates. 


School News

Applications for St. Victor’s School for the 2008-2009 school year, are still available in the School Office from 8:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. and online @ .


Altar servers

There is a mandatory training update meeting for all CURRENT altar Servers and a parent on Fri., Sept. 26th, 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. in the church.  All servers wanting to remain in this ministry must attend this meeting.


                                                          THE KNIGHTS ARE COMING

The Knights of Columbus is forming a council here at St. Victor’s.  Become a Charter Member of the new St. Victor’s Council along with Fr. Michael, Fr. Paul and Fr. Lim.  For more information, stop by either the Knights of Columbus Information Booth or the Sausage & Pepper booth at St. Victor’s Fiesta or contact the Parish office @ 251-7055 or online at: .



Scrip gift certificates to local merchants, restaurants and major department stores are available after Mass today except after the Sunday, 7:00 & 8:00A.M. Masses.  The certificates cost you nothing extra and the merchant will make a donation to St. Victor’s.  We appreciate your support!

Which of the two did his father’s will?” {Matthew 21:28-32}


September 20-21, 2008

September 13-14, 2008

September 6-7, 2008

August 30-31, 2008

August 23-24, 2008

August 16-17, 2008

August 9-10, 2008

August 2-3, 2008

July 26-27, 2008

July 19-20, 2008

July 12-13, 2008

July 5-6, 2008

June 28-29, 2008

June 21-22, 2008

June 14-15, 2008

June 7-8, 2008

May 31-June 1, 2008

May 24-25, 2008

May 17-18, 2008

May 10-11, 2008

May 3-4, 2008

April 26-27, 2008

April 19-20, 2008

April 12-13, 2008

April 5-6, 2008

March 29-30, 2008

March 22-23, 2008

March 15-16, 2008

March 8-9, 2008

March 1-2, 2008

February 23-24, 2008

February 16-17, 2008

February 9-10, 2008

February 2-3, 2008 

January 26-27, 2008 

January 19-20, 2008 

January 12-13, 2008 

January 5-6, 2008 

December 29-30, 2007 

December 22-23, 2007 

December 15-16, 2007 

December 8-9, 2007 

December 1-2, 2007 

November 24-25, 2007 

November 17-18, 2007 

November 10-11, 2007 

November 3-4, 2007

October 27-28, 2007

October 20-21, 2007

October 13-14, 2007

October 6-7, 2007

September 29-30, 2007

September 22-23, 2007

September 15-16, 2007

September 8-9, 2007

September 1-2, 2007

August 25-26, 2007

August 18-19, 2007

August 11-12, 2007

August 4-5, 2007

July 28-29, 2007

July 21-22, 2007

July 14-15, 2007

July 7-8, 2007

June 30-July1, 2007

June 23-24, 2007

June 16-17, 2007

June 9-10, 2007

June 2-3, 2007

May 26-27, 2007

May 19-20, 2007

May 12-13, 2007

May 5-6, 2007

Apr 28-29, 2007

Apr 21-22, 2007

Apr 14-15, 2007

Apr 7-8, 2007

Mar 31-Apr 1, 2007

Mar   24-25, 2007

Mar   17-18, 2007

Mar   10-11, 2007

Mar   3-4, 2007

Feb  24-25, 2007

Feb  17-18, 2007

Feb  10-11, 2007

Feb  3-4, 2007

Jan  27-28, 2007

Jan  20-21, 2007

Jan  13-14, 2007

Jan  6-7, 2007

Dec 30-31, 2006

Dec 23-24, 2006

Dec 16-17, 2006

Dec 9-10, 2006

Dec 2-3, 2006

Nov 25-26, 2006

Nov 18-19, 2006

Nov 11-12, 2006

Nov 4-5, 2006

Oct 28-29, 2006

Oct 21-22, 2006

Oct 14-15, 2006

Oct 7-8, 2006

Sept 30 - Oct 1, 2006

Sept 23-24, 2006

Sept 16-17, 2006

Sept 9-10, 2006

Sept 2-3, 2006











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